Are You Doing Any of These 3 Self-Defeating Habits? Here’s How You Can Fix Them

3 habits that destroy happiness and how you can fix them. Negative self-defeating voices Let's start with looking at our internal thoughts in order to better understand where our habits come from. We all struggle with our negative internal voices. They are critical, destroy confidence, and are stuck on repeat. These negative voices pop up when … Continue reading Are You Doing Any of These 3 Self-Defeating Habits? Here’s How You Can Fix Them

Dear Active and Runner Moms Who Experience “Mom Guilt”

[Note: I'm writing this from the perspective as a mother and an athlete, I feel the "mom guilt" creep in periodically, as I strive to juggle training and motherhood. This short letter can be to any mother who experiences "mom guilt" and or who needs to make sure that they're taking good enough care of … Continue reading Dear Active and Runner Moms Who Experience “Mom Guilt”

Depression – When and Where to Reach Out for Support

If you need support with depression, reach out to a counselor, don't hesitate Asking for help can be really, really hard. People who live with depression (major depressive disorder) may feel alone, making it harder to reach out. PsychCentral has an article on 10 Ways to Ask for Help When Depressed. Depression may happen once … Continue reading Depression – When and Where to Reach Out for Support

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self? (Journal prompt)

Journal prompt If you could speak to your younger self, what advice would you give? Give advice to your younger self by writing a letter. Psychology research on reminiscence and regrets shows that this little talk can have value in helping you realize your current goals. If you're feeling stuck in knowing what you should … Continue reading What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self? (Journal prompt)

What it Means to “Be a Beginner Every Single Morning”

Moraine State Park, PA "Be willing to be a BEGINNER every single morning." - Meister Eckhart Being a "beginner" can mean: ▪︎ Feeling rejuvenated or refreshed ▪︎ Ready to try and/or learn something new ▪︎ Not always playing the role of the expert ▪︎ Ready to start fresh Why this is important It's important to … Continue reading What it Means to “Be a Beginner Every Single Morning”

Why are You in Such a Hurry?

Take things in shorter strides and enjoy the journey of life. Shorter strides doesn't always mean slower. Sometimes we rush to get to where we're going because the journey is long and stressful, we want to just get there! It is stressful to rush. If we look at the journey in sections, it can be … Continue reading Why are You in Such a Hurry?

Spinning Your Wheels? Ask for Help When You’re Stuck

We don't always like to ask for help, a lot of times we'll wait until we're feeling completely overwhelmed by emotions and stress. While there are multiple reasons that we might behave this way, such as fear of failure or rejection, for example... however, this article isn't about the whys. Let's get right to the … Continue reading Spinning Your Wheels? Ask for Help When You’re Stuck

1% Better Habits and Goals

1% - Think about it If we made a small change in our lives every single day, just 1% better, what would our lives look like? How much improvement would we see? How much closer would we be to our goals? We often don't notice tiny changes or progress until they build up over time. … Continue reading 1% Better Habits and Goals

Want to work on managing anxiety and building healthy habits?

Is anxiety keeping you from reaching your goals? Would you like to work on building up healthy habits that reflect your goals? When I work with people, we talk about what they care to address and where they'd like to see themselves. After that, we come up with a plan. A literal plan that I … Continue reading Want to work on managing anxiety and building healthy habits?

How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

How to set goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-based This is important framework for creating any goal, short-term or long-term. I keep this structure in mind when helping people set goals and intentions. We work smart ▪︎ We are specific ▪︎ We look at the details of the desired outcome ▪︎ We talk about what … Continue reading How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals