Body Image Journal Prompt for Athletes

JOURNAL PROMPT (download it below) Write about your story with body image. Include how you have worked through and continue to work through challenges related to it. You may write about this however you'd like. As a female athlete, I did this prompt myself, I found it easy to do it in a timeline, beginning … Continue reading Body Image Journal Prompt for Athletes

Ways to Strengthen Runner’s Body Image and Positivity

As runners, we need to make sure that we’re protecting our body image and promoting body positivity. Acknowledge that all of our bodies are different, setting aside judgments, opinions, and expectations of what our body should look like as runners. Know that all of our bodies are incredible and capable of so much. They can … Continue reading Ways to Strengthen Runner’s Body Image and Positivity

Body Talk Activity for Body Image

Objective This Body Talk activity can be done either individually or in a group setting. The objective of this body acceptance activity is to provide education about the role of body image distortion in eating disorders. The goal of this activity is to increase insight into distorted thoughts and projection of negative feelings onto body … Continue reading Body Talk Activity for Body Image

Therapist Workshop: The emotional aspect of obesity with Roni Maislish, M.A.

Roni Maislish, M.A. (Psychotherapist and social worker) I met Roni Maislish through LinkedIn (he is in Israel), as we both work in mental health and specifically with eating and emotions. We both recognize the emotional aspects of obesity and that it can be an emotional-mental-issue. Roni says, "Most of the time, when people talk about … Continue reading Therapist Workshop: The emotional aspect of obesity with Roni Maislish, M.A.

How to Get In-Tune with Satiety and Hunger Cues: Hunger Scale

Download below The hunger scale chart is one way to become more in-tune with your gut feelings and also, to have a better idea on whether or not you're hungry and how much food to eat. Taking notes of how you feel will eventually lead to increasing your awareness and improving intuitive eating habits. The … Continue reading How to Get In-Tune with Satiety and Hunger Cues: Hunger Scale

Mirror Work Activity How to Get In-Touch with Yourself

This mirror work activity will increase self-awareness and promote personal growth. Looking in the mirror, state to yourself: "I love you." "I'm sorry." "Forgive me." "Thank you." While looking at yourself in the mirror and stating these things, pay attention to your non-verbal body language, the tone and speed of your voice, and the thoughts … Continue reading Mirror Work Activity How to Get In-Touch with Yourself

Journal Prompts: Have a healthier relationship to food

Having a better relationship to food is about mindset, which takes unraveling the current messages you have been operating under and re-wiring the brain with messages that serve you. This all starts out with discovering your current messages and limiting beliefs. After completing these questions, go back through your answers and look for behavioral and … Continue reading Journal Prompts: Have a healthier relationship to food

Body Appreciation and Positivity

The Uniquely Me, Body Appreciation, and Body Positivity worksheet helps with recognizing what our bodies do for us and what is unique about us. Think about the abilities and all that our bodies achieve every day, there are several! Walking, speaking, reading, thinking, feeling, eating, and reproducing, just to mention a few. Our bodies are … Continue reading Body Appreciation and Positivity